Saturday, July 1, 2017

Transfer Photos & Files from Mobile Phone to PC without Data Cable (Regular Update: 01Jul17)

We are getting more exposed to multi-screen more and more, now and then out looks shifts from one screen to another. It often happens, you need to work on both (PC and Mobile) screen simultaneously. In that case, you would require to transfer files/photos from PC to Phone and vice-versa. Here's a few ways.

Facebook Post Having Only-me Privacy Option
This way you can share photos mostly. Give a post from your Facebook profile from your PC or Mobile, changing privacy option to "Only Me"; and download the picture from Mobile/PC where it's needed.

Facebook Message to Self
It's safer than posting as Facebook post; and you can share files too besides pictures. Just go to message option. Search your profile at sending person's name and sent to that id, yourself

For that you have to have your Dropbox app installed in your mobile. There's no mechanism here; just keep the file in your Dropbox account and download it from any device where you need.

Shareit is a very popular mobile-to-mobile content sharing App. But many of you might not know, they have a desktop verson too which can transfer file from PC to Mobile and opposite. In all times, I found it a bit inconvenient and slow, that's the reason why I put that later. Besides having the app installed in mobile, you have to download and instal their desktop version from their website, and it's free. Shareit Page:

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Weblink Decoded (Regular Update: 01Jul17)

Knowing how a weblink is being constructed can make you life easy in many ways. Here are some.
  1. Mobile Website in - take you to its mobile page. Replace "0" in "1", you will be returned desktop page. Example:
  2. Page Detail Check Shortcut: a popular and trusted domain checking website. Directly you can check your expected domain detail without entering to the page. Address:
    Simplification: <whois web address> / <whois> / <required website address>

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