Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Avoid Website's Location Notification while Browsing

You often require to response a message at top left corner while browsing some websites with your desktop browser like below.

Image: Location Information Request in Chrome Browser
Most of the browsers have that option to pop-up this by default. You can avoid that permanently by following below steps.

Mozilla Firefox
  1. Write "about:config" in web address bar.
  2. Search "geo.enabled" from the list.
  3. Double click on the line and make the value "false".
  4. Close the tab, and that notification won't pop-up again.

Google Chrome
  1. Go Settings
  2. Select "Advanced" drop-down at page's end.
  3. Go Privacy and security > Content settings > Location > Disable "Ask before accessing"
  4. Close the tab and get rid of that notification.


Monday, October 16, 2017

Adding Instagram Photos from Desktop or Laptop with Chrome

Ever thought of adding photos or posts in Instagram with your Laptop or Desktop without installing any software (well it's Chrome, a very common software you might have installed)? Yes, 60% user browser Google Chrome made that easy for you.

Step 1: Open your Google Chrome browser first, then press Ctrl + Shift + I. This will open Chrome developer window.
Step 2: Press Ctrl + Shift + M to switch to Mobile version of the web.
Step 3: Browse and login to Instagram for enjoying all facilities like your mobile.

Img: Chrome Developer Window with Mobile Version of the Web

Apart from that it's a great tool for web developers for understanding their web's mobile preview in real life. This would work same for other similar apps/programs.

One important note, Instagram Photo Filter doesn't work in this system.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

MS Excel Error Solution of Message "We couldn't free up space on clipboard"

Are you facing below error while dragging cells in Excel?

MS Excel Error - We couldn't free up space on clipboard
The solution is very simple. Remove/uninstall/close the software which conflicts with MS Office software like MS Excel. In my case it was "Orbit Downloader", a freeware software. It was active in system tray at bottom right corner of the window, I just closed that, and it worked fine.

If that doesn't work. check out what other software in your PC creating similar issue; let me know writing in comment box.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Transfer Photos & Files from Mobile Phone to PC without Data Cable (Regular Update: 01Jul17)

We are getting more exposed to multi-screen more and more, now and then out looks shifts from one screen to another. It often happens, you need to work on both (PC and Mobile) screen simultaneously. In that case, you would require to transfer files/photos from PC to Phone and vice-versa. Here's a few ways.

Facebook Post Having Only-me Privacy Option
This way you can share photos mostly. Give a post from your Facebook profile from your PC or Mobile, changing privacy option to "Only Me"; and download the picture from Mobile/PC where it's needed.

Facebook Message to Self
It's safer than posting as Facebook post; and you can share files too besides pictures. Just go to message option. Search your profile at sending person's name and sent to that id, yourself

For that you have to have your Dropbox app installed in your mobile. There's no mechanism here; just keep the file in your Dropbox account and download it from any device where you need.

Shareit is a very popular mobile-to-mobile content sharing App. But many of you might not know, they have a desktop verson too which can transfer file from PC to Mobile and opposite. In all times, I found it a bit inconvenient and slow, that's the reason why I put that later. Besides having the app installed in mobile, you have to download and instal their desktop version from their website, and it's free. Shareit Page: http://www.ushareit.com/en/

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Weblink Decoded (Regular Update: 01Jul17)

Knowing how a weblink is being constructed can make you life easy in many ways. Here are some.
  1. Mobile Website in Blogger.com:
    http://BLOG-NAME.blogspot.com/?m=1 - take you to its mobile page. Replace "0" in "1", you will be returned desktop page. Example: http://uncodist.blogspot.com/?m=1
  2. Who.is Page Detail Check Shortcut:
    Who.is a popular and trusted domain checking website. Directly you can check your expected domain detail without entering to the page. Address: https://who.is/whois/shaon84.com
    Simplification: <whois web address> / <whois> / <required website address>

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Sunday, May 7, 2017

Know Details About A Registered Web Domain Address

You can find yours or any specific domain's basic details like: Domain creation date, expiry date, last update date, owner's name, phone, E-mail address, mailing address, name servers etc. in one authentic source. Go https://who.is, type your desired full domain name in a box like below,

Screenshot: Who.is Domain Search Box
For the site like "google.com", you are to type "google.com" in the box, and hit enter. The return page will give you publicly available information about the domain. The return page address would look like: https://who.is/whois/google.com

Simplifying the Return Address

You can directly enter to required information page even by following below way (this is unofficial)
Return Address: https://who.is/whois/google.com
Simplification: <whois web address> / <whois> / <required website address>

There are many pages who shares similar information. But to me ,that seems most authentic.

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Upload Web Site Files Via FTP Without Any Software

There are several free software available for uploading your website's files via FTP (File Transfer Protocol) facility. Your website hosting server must have this feature available to enjoy this. FTP allows you uploading multiple files all at once, and you don't need to update one file each, separately.

Apart from using any software you can upload files in your website without any software; directly upload files to your website from your windows explorer just like copying files in your PC's folder.

Follow below steps.

Step 1: Go My Computer

Go to My Computer. Type: "ftp://<Your Full web Site Address>" in address bar. For example: ftp://google.com

Step 1: Go to My Computer

Step 2: Login

A below box will appear. Type your FTP Server Username and Password; then hit enter. Contact to the company from where you have bought the domain-hosting for FTP Login Name and Password, if you don't know.

Step 2: Login Window

Step 3: Upload Files

Once logged on, a familiar Windows Explorer like window will appear. Hope the next you can manage by yourself. Usually your web files are available to the folder named: "public_html". For uploading any file, just copy your files, and paste to desired folder/location. You can easily create folder within the area, by right clicking of the mouse. Close the explorer once you are done.

Step 3: Get to Within Your Web Files' Area
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Simple Border Around A Picture in Photoshop using Stroke Option

In many ways you can draw border around a picture in Photoshop. Below screenshots are of Photoshop CS4.

Open the file in Photoshop which you want to border.
Select All by pressing "Ctrl + A"
Press Right Button putting mouse on the picture. Select "Stroke..."
Now change border size (Width), Color (Color) by changing option. In Location select "Inside".

Screenshot: Picture Border via Stroke in Photoshop

Now save and exit.

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Adding Facebook Page Badge in Blogger Sidepane

You can add Facebook Page badge in Blogger via Facebook iFrame code if you don't get favorable gadget to add.

In Facebook Side

  1. Go > https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/page-plugin. (You can also can reach the same location visiting number of pages. Go https://www.facebook.com/badges, click "Get Social Plugins", click "Page Plugin".)
  2. Provide Page address, expected width (I have provided 250), height, check/uncheck required option as per requirement.
  3. Click "Get Code". Select "IFrame", and copy the code.
Picture: Facebook Page Plugin Area in Facebook

Picture: Java/HTML Code Box in Blogger

In Blogger Side

  1. Login to your blogger account, click "Layout".
  2. Click "+ Add a Gadget"
  3. Find and click "HTML/JavaScript".
  4. A new window will appear. provide a heading, example: "ABCD Facebook Page".
  5. Now, paste the IFrame code which has been copied from Facebook.
  6. Click Save, and see preview.
Picture: Sample outcome in right pane of your blogger page
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