Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Microsoft Excel Un-Answered Searches: Regular Update

We keep searching some MS Excel matters and often end up with solution like Macro, VBA or "No Solution". Yes, here are some points I am still stuck on any one of stated option. I haven't given up, just keep searching and keep updating the below list. You can contribute with solution here in comment part.

Looking For Status More to Add
Shortcut for changing cell background color. I already know, "F4" for format copy and "Alt, H, H" way. But What is required is, use the same selected color in same file in repeated way. Looking for Solution

In Pivot table while you select column (in Pivot Environment) and drop to "Value" area, sometimes it shows as "Count". Is there any way to change the type of value calculation all at once? Like Sum, Count, Percentage for more than items together once; or a change in setting is also fine Looking for Solution

Unhide multiple sheets all at once. Looking for Solution

Try to contribute... and let the thirst for building efficiency continues.


  1. Try this script bellow.

    Sub UnhideSomeSheets()
    Dim sSheetName As String
    Dim sMessage As String
    Dim Msgres As VbMsgBoxResult

    For Each wsSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    If wsSheet.Visible = xlSheetHidden Then
    sSheetName = wsSheet.Name
    sMessage = "Unhide the following sheet?" _
    & vbNewLine & sSheetName
    Msgres = MsgBox(sMessage, vbYesNo)
    If Msgres = vbYes Then wsSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible
    End If
    Next wsSheet
    End Sub

    there is no "shortcut"


    1. Thank you for commenting, but the major focus is to use it through existing facility.
